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WARP / UltraWebTree Bug?


I'm populating an UltraWebTree by setting the LoadOnDemand="Manual" property in a WARP panel.

On the server I'm handling both the NodeSelectionChanged and DemandLoad events to populate the parent nodes and child nodes from the database.


When  a user clicks on a leaf node with no units while the WARP panel just finised refresninh it throws JavaScript errors and the user is not able to click or select any other Node in the tree. This happens even when the WebAsyncRefreshPanel (WARP) panel appears to have finished updating or refreshing. However,m if the User waits for 10 secornds after the WARP panel finishes updating, it is okay.

It appears that the WARP Panel is not in Sync with the UltraWebTree as to when the UltrWebTree Nodes have been rebuilt on the UI. The errors are typically JavaScript errors thrown while accessing a specific Node or Node Property or Node Method which is null or undefined. Again, this only happens if a User clicks on a Leaf Node within a few seconds after the WARP Panel has finised upadting and the UltraWebTree Leaf Node seems ready for a user to Click.

What could be the problem?


  • 45049

    My first suggestion is to try to take the WARP out of the picture, to see if the same problem occurs.  This might simply confirm that the WARP is required to cause the problem, or it may confirm that the same behavior occurs without the WARP.

    Once you've done this, and assuming you still can't determine what's going on, I suggest that you submit a support request and include a sample that we can run and debug that demonstrates the issue.  It'll likely require us to investigate your sample in detail to find out what's actually going on and why.