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multiple webcombos on one page

I have a usercontrol that contains a webcombo. The page using the control can pass in the TextField to filter on so I can reuse the control anywhere I like on any page.

My issue is that when I have 2 controls included in the same page (filtering on different fields) the 1st control on the page containing the webcombo always has a selected index of -1 or selectedrow = null. The second control on the page works correctly.

Has anyone else seen this behaviour, as these controls are identical, I have also set the TextField filter the same to both controls and the problem still exists.

I am using Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v8.2 assemblies.

Many thanks


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  • 45049

    This doesn't sound like correct behavior to me.

    I suggest that you submit a support request so that a Developer Support Engineer can investigate this in-depth.  I suggest that you include a sample project that we can run and debug - particularly since you're using a user control, it'll be helpful if we can ensure we're running the same code that you are.

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