Is it possible to display the sum of selected records then have the records displayed under the main row when the user clicks the plus. i know the viewtype needs to be set to hierarchical but what would the SQL statement be in the SqlDataSource control and if there are any special property settings.
ex. SELECT FirstName , SUM(orders), SUM(Price) FROM Customers
Bill |300|1000
-Bill 150|900
-Bill 150|100
Many thanks for any help!
I think there are several possibles approaches to this problem. One is to enumerate all selected grid rows, get an unique indentifier for the row (say ID for customer and add it to the WHERE IN SQL clause. WHERE IN examples can be found here:
Another good suggested is to use the SelectParameters collection of all declarative datasources to pass parameters to SQL - a great approach is discussed in this forum thread:
Selected Row as SQL parameter