Dear all,
I am uing the excellent WebAsyncRefreshPanel to good effect to create seemless page transitions. However, in some places, the refresh is so quick that I do not need to show the progress indicator (i.e. I am using the panel to prevent a full post-back of the page). Could somebody show me an example of how I could hide it for certain panels?
I have found various samples in the forums usig Javascript that could provide part of the solution using the getProgressIndicator() method, but I am fairly new to ASP.NET development and JavaScript in particular, so I would really appreciate a full example. For example, how do I get the Javascript to fire? I know this may sound like a trivial question but I am uncertain how it works...
Many thanks in advance,
Thanks very much for your swift answer, it's worked well. :)
Hi Ben,
To modify indicator, you need to use javascript. There is no option to remove indicator completely, however, you may make it invisible, by setting its html to something like " ", " ", "<div></div>", etc. You may modify indicator permanently or readjust it dynamically for specific events. Below are examples to implement ClientSideEvents Initialize and RefreshRequest
<script type="text/javascript">function WARP1_InitializePanel(oPanel){ var pi = oPanel.getProgressIndicator(); pi.setTemplate(' ');}
function WARP1_RefreshRequest(oPanel,oEvent,id){ var pi = oPanel.getProgressIndicator(); if(id == 'Button1') pi.setTemplate(' '); else if(id == 'Button2') pi.setTemplate('<div style="width:100px;background:yellow;">Please wait...</div>'); else pi.setTemplate(null);}</script>