Hello - Everyone must have this method call figured out but me...could some please help me find this method? This is what I have so far, but no cigar yet. Thank you
protected void gridxyzList_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.RowEventArgs e) { e.Row. gridLogEventsList.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[1]. }
thank you very much
You're not able to find it because there is no "PerformAutoSize" method in WebGrid.
Instead, if you have the grid's DisplayLayout.TableLayout set to "Auto", the grid's rows and columns will be automatically sized by the browser on the client. By comparison, if you have this set to "Fixed", the heights and widths of your rows and columns are followed more closely, even if the data within is larger, and you lose the ability to auto-size.
Note that setting TableLayout to Fixed is a prerequisite for Stationary Margins and Fixed Header functionality.