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Clientside addchild issues


The following code simply add the client node into the current selected node and opens it for editing...




newnode = glbselectednode.addChild(
"New Folder"); newnode.setExpanded(true);



newnode.edit(); //open it for editing


My tree view is quite huge and is binded to DB.

The problem here is that when I am doing this the scrollintoview doesn't seems to work and becuase of that the new node is hidden from the user, user has to scroll down to see if the node is created and then they have to edit it again.

The Tree view decleration is given below

 <ignav:UltraWebTree SingleBranchExpand="True" ID="UWTReports" runat="server" AllowDrag="True" AllowDrop="True"
                                                DefaultImage="" HiliteClass=""  HoverClass="" Indentation="20" StyleSetName="Default"
                                                Width="350px" Height="200px" Editable="true" OnNodeChanged="UWTReports_NodeChanged" ExpandOnClick="true"
                                                OnNodeDropped="UWTReports_NodeDropped" OnNodeAdded="UWTReports_NodeAdded" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="Solid">
                                                <ClientSideEvents Drag="" InitializeTree="Reports_Init" DragStart="DragStart" Drop="Drop"
                                                    NodeClick="ReportNodeClick" AfterNodeUpdate="ReportNodeUpdate" />