Hi,I have made a simple WebAppl with an Ultrawebtab and 3 Pages.The 3 Pages are called with the Eventhandler: void UltraWebTab1_TabClick(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebTab.WebTabEvent e){ switch (e.Tab.Key){ case "0": e.Tab.ContentPane.TargetUrl = "Page1.aspx"; break; case "1": e.Tab.ContentPane.TargetUrl = "Page2.aspx"; break; case "2": e.Tab.ContentPane.TargetUrl = "Page3.aspx"; break;}}So far it works well.
But when I add a scriptmanager to the 3 pages, I got an error: in line 997 of MicrosoftAjaxWebForms.debug.js: if (!this._postBackSettings.async) {Errormessage: 'this._postBackSettings.async' is null or not an objectAny help?
Enviroment: MSVS2008 C# Framework 3.5 and Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebTab.v8.1
I had the same issue. It would only occur if you navigate to a tab and then navigate away from the tab without clicking on any control in the tab. Let me reword that. If you goto and then leave a tab without clicking on any of the controls the problem occurs. The way I fixed this was with the following code.
<button id="oButton" style="display:none" onclick="this.innerText='I have been clicked!'">Button</button><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">document.getElementById('oButton').fireEvent("onclick");</script>
or here is a version of the same thing that I now use in a base page class so that it works for all my pages.
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), script, false);
Okay, here my solution:
<script type="text/javascript">
function UltraWebTab1_onInitTab(sender, eventArg2, eventArg3) { var page = "Page1.aspx"; var index = 0; var nam = sender.ID + "_frame" + index; document.getElementById(nam).style.cssText = "DISPLAY:block"; document.getElementById(nam).contentWindow.location.href = page; document.getElementById(nam).contentWindow.document.frames[index].location.href = page; document.getElementById(nam).contentWindow.location.reload(true); } function UltraWebTab1_onTabClick(sender, item, event) { var page; switch (item.Key) { case "0": page = "Page1.aspx"; break; case "1": page = "Page2.aspx"; break; case "2": page = "Page3.aspx"; break; } var nam = sender.ID + "_frame" + item.Key; document.getElementById(nam).style.cssText = "DISPLAY:block"; document.getElementById(nam).contentWindow.location.href = page; document.getElementById(nam).contentWindow.document.frames[item.index].location.href = page; document.getElementById(nam).contentWindow.location.reload(true); } </script> <igtab:UltraWebTab ID="UltraWebTab1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="false"> <ClientSideEvents Click="UltraWebTab1_onTabClick" InitializeTabs="UltraWebTab1_onInitTab" /> <Tabs> <igtab:Tab Key="0" AccessKey="0" Text="Page1" /> <igtab:Tab Key="1" AccessKey="1" Text="Page2" /> <igtab:Tab Key="2" AccessKey="2" Text="Page3" /> </Tabs></igtab:UltraWebTab>
Thanks for congratulations!