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Issue with double click on a web grid.

using v2008.2


I have a grid control on a page inside a webpanel

I also have the grid setup to allow searching. The default is "starts with"


I have to double click on the row with the search icon to get it to operate, but, If I have a server side double click event, it always fires on the search row and does a postback but does't do anything.  The double click for the datagrid is supposed to take the selected item in the selected row and pass that value to textbox.

I am using the grid doubleclick event.

But when i dbl click on the search row, it never goes to the code behind, but it does something, becuase it fires a postback.


What I am trying to ddo is, if they double click on a row that has data, it should fire the server side event and let me return the data I want to my textbox control.  If they double click in the search row, at the top of the grid, it should just set focus in that row, so they can search.


Any ideas folks?

  • 3338
    Verified Answer

    found people with the sname issue elsewhere in the forum...

    This code worked for me.


    <script type="text/javascript">

    function dgRecipList_DblClickHandler(e, a) {

    var grid = igtbl_getGridById(e);

    if (a.indexOf('_flc_') !== -1) {grid.CancelPostBack =true;


