I have created a WebHierarchicalDataSource with 2 underlying SqlDataSource controls with a simple parent-child relationship that I am attempting to bind to a grid. The grid displays all data correctly with all parent and child rows, however when a row is updated the change is not posted back to the SQL server.
To troubleshoot, I created a second grid on the same page and bound it directly to the parent SqlDataSource and updates work fine on that grid - settings on both grids are exactly the same other than the data source that they point to.
Am I missing something?!? Thanks in advance for helping a noob...
Thanks, Rumen,
I did generate the update/insert/delete statements, however i do remember configuring the statements to use optimistic concurrency. This caused problems on one of my other data sources when dealing with null values (you can see my response to a related post at http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/t/1177.aspx for details). However, none of the fields in these 2 tables should have any null values.
I will have to verify this when I get back to the office later this week, though...I will drop a response out here if that turns out to be the case. In the meantime, any other ideas for me to try would be greatly appreciated.
The setup seems perfectly valid, the only thing that might be missing is to auto-generate the Update/Insert/Delete/Read command oof the underlying datasources - they are not generated by default. You can switch to design mode, click "Configure" for both datasource and then there are a couple of tabs on the righr (I think they were called "Advanced") and there you can generate the commands.
Was this the problem? Other than that, I just tried this setup of the grid (with Access, but same principles should apply) and it worked just fine
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="ultrawebgrid_crud.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %><%@ Register Assembly="Infragistics35.Web.v8.2, Version=8.2.20082.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb" Namespace="Infragistics.Web.UI.DataSourceControls" TagPrefix="aikido" %><%@ Register Assembly="Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v8.2, Version=8.2.20082.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb" Namespace="Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid" TagPrefix="igtbl" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title></head><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="ScriptManager1" /> <igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="UltraWebGrid1" runat="server" Width="725px" DataSourceID="WebHierarchicalDataSource1" oninitializerow="UltraWebGrid1_InitializeRow"> <Bands> <igtbl:UltraGridBand BaseTableName="Categories" DataKeyField="CategoryID"> <AddNewRow Visible="NotSet" View="NotSet"> </AddNewRow> </igtbl:UltraGridBand> <igtbl:UltraGridBand BaseTableName="Products" DataKeyField="ProductID"> <AddNewRow Visible="NotSet" View="NotSet"> </AddNewRow> </igtbl:UltraGridBand> </Bands> <DisplayLayout Name="UltraWebGrid1" BorderCollapseDefault="Separate" RowHeightDefault="20px" ViewType="Hierarchical" Version="4.00" AllowUpdateDefault="Yes"> <FrameStyle BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" Height="200px" Width="325px"> </FrameStyle> <Pager> <PagerStyle BackColor="LightGray" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"> <BorderDetails ColorLeft="White" ColorTop="White" /> </PagerStyle> </Pager> <EditCellStyleDefault BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="0px"> </EditCellStyleDefault> <HeaderStyleDefault BackColor="LightGray" BorderStyle="Solid"> <BorderDetails ColorLeft="White" ColorTop="White" /> </HeaderStyleDefault> <RowStyleDefault BackColor="White" BorderColor="Gray" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt"> <Padding Left="3px" /> <BorderDetails ColorLeft="White" ColorTop="White" /> </RowStyleDefault> <AddNewBox> <BoxStyle BackColor="LightGray" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"> <BorderDetails ColorLeft="White" ColorTop="White" /> </BoxStyle> </AddNewBox> <ActivationObject BorderColor="" BorderWidth=""> </ActivationObject> </DisplayLayout> </igtbl:UltraWebGrid> <aikido:WebHierarchicalDataSource ID="WebHierarchicalDataSource1" runat="server"> <DataRelations> <aikido:DataRelation ChildColumns="CategoryID" ChildDataViewID="AccessDataSource2_DefaultView" ParentColumns="CategoryID" ParentDataViewID="AccessDataSource1_DefaultView" /> </DataRelations> <DataViews> <aikido:DataView ID="AccessDataSource1_DefaultView" DataMember="DefaultView" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1" /> <aikido:DataView ID="AccessDataSource2_DefaultView" DataMember="DefaultView" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource2" /> </DataViews> </aikido:WebHierarchicalDataSource> <asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="~/App_Data/Northwind.mdb" SelectCommand="SELECT [CategoryID], [CategoryName], [Description] FROM [Categories]"> </asp:AccessDataSource> <asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource2" runat="server" DataFile="~/App_Data/Northwind.mdb" SelectCommand="SELECT [ProductID], [ProductName], [CategoryID] FROM [Products]"> </asp:AccessDataSource> </form></body></html>