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How to position controls in UltraWebTab?

Hello -

Can someone please point me in the right direction to find the info on the following?

I have an instance of UltraWebTab, which is created dynamically.  Several Tab objects are also created dynamically and added to the above-mentioned instance of UltraWebTab.  Later, simple HTML Table object is created (dynamically) and added to a tab's contentpane such as below:

 Table tableOuter = new Table();tableOuter.ID = "MySimpleTable";

tableOuter.CellPadding = 0;

tableOuter.CellSpacing = 0;

tableOuter.BackColor =

TableRow tRowOuter = new TableRow();

TableCell tCellOuter1 = new TableCell();

TableCell tCellOuter2 = new TableCell();






tSimpleTab.ContentPane.Controls.Add(tableOuter); // tSimpleTab is of type Tab (previously created)

tTabContainer.Tabs.Add(tStockTab);  // tTabContainer is of type UltraWebTab (previously created)

 My questions is the following:  in the code above, for some reason, tableOuter oject is by default vertically positioned in the center of the Tab.ContentPane.  Trying to control its position within ContentPane I tried adding CSS style tags to tableOuter using something like 'tableOuter.Style.Add("top", "10"), but it didn't work.

So, can yo please tell me how to control the position of any sub-controls added to the contentPane member of the tab? 

Thank you in advance!



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  • 28464

    It is a bit hard to tell, but I guess whatever is added to the ContentPane is not positioned aboslutely, hence modifying its top/left style properties has not effect (it only applies to absolutely positioned elements).

    I can suggest using the align / valign properties of the Table for example. The best idea I think is to use a DOM element debugger like FireBug for FireFox and see what the actually rendered structure looks like, then modify it in the browser using FireBug to see what needs to be adjusted in order for the table to fit left. 

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