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Webcombo displayng like a normal dropdown in Firefox version 3.0.1


I have an issue with firefox 3.0.1 which is rendering the webcombo like a normal dropdown, ie there is no type ahead, no datagrid just the textvalue displayed. Has anyone seen this before as I have searched the forum and no luck. It works in IE all versions!

code below, and if anyone can help I would be much appreciative.. 



<igcmbo:WebCombo ID="WebCombo1" runat="server" BackColor="White"

BorderColor="Silver" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" ForeColor="Black"

SelBackColor="DarkBlue" SelForeColor="White" Version="4.00"

ComboTypeAhead="Suggest" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataTextField="c_ref"

DataValueField="c_ref" EnableXmlHTTP="True" Editable="true" Width="200px">

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