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UltraWebGrid Load Demand

I'm using an UltraWebGrid to display data in a Hierarchical dataset.  In the InitializeDataSource Sub I Query and setup my datasource.  I have Browser set to XML, LoadOnDemand set to XML, XMLLoadOnDemandType set to Background (I'm not sure what each of the different types of load on demand type do for performance.  I tried them all and saw no difference), ViewType set to Hierarchical.

When the user loads the Grid everything loads quickly.  If the User clicks to expand a large (3,000+) dataset the load time takes a very long time.  So question number 1 is:

1.)  How can I improve this performance?

Secondly Previously I was loading the data on Page Load and binding it to the grid.  I was using the UltraWebGrid function 'Click'.  Where Browser was set to Auto, LoadOnDemand was set to NotSet, and XmlLoadOnDemandType was set to synchronous.  Since changing those values to the above values the Click function doesn't seem to fire any more.  What the click function did is I had a view cell and if that view cell was clicked it would show a graph on a new page.  Instead when I click on a Cell the page seems to do a post back and show's no graph on a new page.  So Question 2:

2.)  From changing these values why would it affect the click function if nothing else has changed?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

