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Cancel postback when hitting enter on an item

I have my webcombo configured to ComboTypeAhead = Suggest and EnaleXmlHttp = true.

When the grid is displayed I can click a row with the mouse. The value is displayed in the combo and the grid closes. Now, if I change the selected row using the keyboard arrows and then press enter, there is a postback. Is there a way to cancel that postback?


  • 28464
    Verified Answer

    Yes, this took me some time to figure out as well. Here is what I got working on my case - the idea is to handle the EditKeyDown event and check the keyCode - if it is 13 (Enter), close the dropdown and the return true to cancel the postback.

        <script language="javascript">
        function keyDown(combo, newValue, keyCode)
            if (keyCode == 13)
                var combo = igcmbo_getComboById(combo);
                return true;           
        <igcmbo:WebCombo ID="WebCombo1" runat="server" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1">       
            <ClientSideEvents EditKeyDown="keyDown" />

    Hope this helps.