Hi folks,
i have written a typed dataset including 4 tables, which have 3 relations, one between each table. I am using it as datasource for UltraWebTree.
I works fine except one feature. As you can see curently 4th Levels are used. I want to reduce the 3rd Level, cause thier is no meaningfull benefit.
So how can configure the Webtree that i can set the relation on the second Level directly linking to data of my 4th table. Which includes the End Link.
Attached you find the existing way.
Dim ds2 As New WGRTree WGRAdapter.FillParents(ds2.Tables("WGR")) WGR1Adapter.Fill(ds2.Tables("WGR1")) WGRLiefAdapter.Fill(ds2.Tables("LiefWGR")) LiefAdapter.FillTreeLief(ds2.Tables("FIRMEN")) ultraTreeWGR.DataSource = ds2 ultraTreeWGR.Levels(0).LevelKeyField = "ID" ultraTreeWGR.Levels(0).ColumnName = "HierarchyName" ultraTreeWGR.Levels(0).RelationName = "WGR_WGR1" ultraTreeWGR.Levels(1).LevelKeyField = "ID" ultraTreeWGR.Levels(1).ColumnName = "HierarchyName" ultraTreeWGR.Levels(1).RelationName = "WGR1_LiefWGR" ultraTreeWGR.Levels(2).ColumnName = "ID" ultraTreeWGR.Levels(2).RelationName = "WGR_FIRMEN" ultraTreeWGR.Levels(3).LevelKeyField = "MZE_Zrnr" ultraTreeWGR.Levels(3).ColumnName = "FirmaOut" ultraTreeWGR.Levels(3).TargetUrlName = "MZE_Zrnr" ultraTreeWGR.DataMember() = "WGR" ultraTreeWGR.DataBind()
This is not supported out of the box. You can try to make new relation between WGR1->FIRMEN and bind the WebTree with this relation.
Hopes this helps.