I would like to cancell automatic post back evry time a change a cell data in UltraWebGrid.
igtbl_cancelPostBack(gridID); in OnAfterCellChanged client side event handler.
I was wondering if there are more simple solution that does not require client scripting?
Thank you in advance.
Thank you! I am trying to achieve default behavior!
I am sorry for silly question.. What do you mean by "when cell editing is enabled"??
Thank you in advance. Andrei
It really depends on your setup. By default, when cell editing is enabled, postback does not occur, and the cells are updated when you submit the form.
You can take a look at the example here to see how this works:
But if you setup the grid in such a way, that it requires postback for a certain function, there is no way to cancel that other than calling the cancel postback javascript function in the "before" client-side event handler.
Thank you very much for your help.
My question is: Can I cancel postback without using client side java script?
Thank you,
Hello apalvinski,
If you are using The CellUpdate Handler I would conceder using a different one. Cell update triggers a postback.