I have a grid on a web page and want one of the cells to appear as a clickable button with a javascript onclick event handler on the client. So I used the following code:
Protected Sub grdRequests_InitializeLayout(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.LayoutEventArgs) Handles grdRequests.InitializeLayout grdRequests.Columns(2).Header.Fixed = True grdRequests.Columns(2).Type = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.ColumnType.Button grdRequests.Columns(2).CellButtonDisplay = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.CellButtonDisplay.Always End SubProtected Sub grdRequests_InitializeRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.RowEventArgs) Handles grdRequests.InitializeRow e.Row.Cells(2).TargetURL = "../../SomePage.aspx?r=" + e.Row.Cells(0).Value.ToString() e.Row.Cells(2).Column.CellButtonStyle.Height = 15 e.Row.Cells(2).Column.CellButtonStyle.Width = 60 e.Row.Cells(2).Column.CellButtonStyle.BackgroundImage = "images/btngrd_remove2.gif" End Sub
<script id="igClientScript" type="text/javascript"><!--function grdRequests_ClickCellButtonHandler(gridName, cellId){ var o = igtbl_getCellById(cellId); if (o) { var s = o.getTargetURL(); DoSomething(s); }}// --></script>
Before this, I used the InitializeRow event to set the text of the required column to a url so that I can click it. But I really need the javascript event handler to be called which I cannot seem to be able to make work.
One important note; I need to do this customization in code as I do not know the exact table format at design time - some colums are added/deleted.
Thanks in advance for any help...
Ali M.
Hello Ali,
Thanks for writing. I believe in this case the best way to proceed is to use templated columns and custom HTML inside the CellTemplate to emulate the image.
For example:
<igtbl:TemplatedColumn BaseColumnName="..." HeaderText="ImageColumn" Key="ImgUrl"> <CellTemplate> <img src="<%# Eval("ImgUrl") %>" onclick="myJavascriptFunction()" /> </CellTemplate></igtbl:TemplatedColumn>