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target = "_Self" doesnt work

Either way it opens in a new window: 

I have tried to set the target on the treeview:
<asp:TreeView ID="TreeView1" runat="server" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="Black" Target="_Self">

or dynamically in the code:

'get continents

'loop through continents to fill list bar
For x = 0 To dsLocations.Locations.Rows.Count - 1
locID = Trim(dsLocations.Locations.Rows(x).Item(
locDesc = Trim(dsLocations.Locations.Rows(x).Item(
Dim pn As New TreeNode
pn.Text = locDesc
pn.ToolTip = locDesc
pn.Expanded =
ctr += 1

'add nodes for continent

'get countries for location
taMemberCountries.FillByLoc(dsMemberCountries.MemberCountries, locID)

'loop through countries to fill continent group
For y = 0 To dsMemberCountries.MemberCountries.Rows.Count - 1
mcID = dsMemberCountries.MemberCountries.Rows(y).Item(
mcName = Trim(dsMemberCountries.MemberCountries.Rows(y).Item(
Dim cn As New TreeNode
cn.NavigateUrl =
"" & mcID
cn.Text = mcName
cn.ToolTip = mcName
cn.Target =

'add country tree node
TreeView1.Nodes(ctr - 1).ChildNodes.Add(cn)
