Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal output As HtmlTextWriter)mdmkGridDateMask.RenderControl(output) mtmkGridTimeMask.RenderControl(output)mtxtGridTextArea.RenderControl(output)MyBase.Render(output)End Sub
Private Sub CustomizeColumns()Dim colColumn As UltraGridColumn
For Each colColumn In myGrid.ColumnsSelect Case colColumn.BaseColumnNameCase "TestColName"colColumn.AllowUpdate = AllowUpdate.YescolColumn.DataType = "System.DateTime"colColumn.Type = ColumnType.CustomcolColumn.EditorControlID = myGrid.GridDateMask.UniqueID
Are there any suggestions about how I can get this to work properly?Thanks,KyleL
The following render function works for adding the controls to the page and allowing the grid to use them as grid editors.
Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal output As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)Me.Controls.Add(mdmkGridDateMask)Me.Controls.Add(mtmkGridTimeMask)Me.Controls.Add(mtxtGridTextArea)MyBase.RenderChildren(output)MyBase.Render(output)End Sub
However, the editors are visible on the page until the grid is clicked to edit. At that time the editor is not visible and the cell will allow for editing with the control. Also, ClientID must be used when setting the column editor id. Any Ideas on how to stop the controls from displaying visibly on the page? The visible property can not be set to false otherwise the grid will not pick up the editor.