Hi Everyone,
I've been given an html output from colleagues using Indigo Studio Tool. The structure of the folder is as such:
My goal is to wrap this in a phone gap wrapper and display it natively on an android device. Does anyone know if there is a simple way to get this done?
Hi Paul!
It's certainly possible. You can include the exported files on the www folder of a sample phonegap application, replacing the default Index.html with the one exported by Indigo Studio, and it should work without issues.
The hard part is getting the phonegap environment configured, if you haven't done so. After you are able to run a sample phonegap app, running the Indigo prototype shouldn't be much of a problem. If you have never configured a phonegap environment, let us know, and we can give you some guidance. It's not a scenario for which we have designed Indigo for, but we have done it before.
However, can I ask why do you want to install it as a native application? If you want to remove the browser chrome and check out how the prototype will look as a native app, you can add the prototype to your homescreen and the experience will be mostly similar.
Also, bear in mind that Indigo prototypes are designed more for exploration than actual simulation, so you will still get the prototype player's toolbar and invite messages, though you can disable them by adding a couple of configuration options on the exported index.html file, if you have to.
Let me know if you need any additional assistance!
Indigo Studio Team.