Good afternoon,I am trying to connect my API to the app builder and when I do I seeI can link my get apis, and these are working as expected but the post requests I have are all greyed out.
Below is the post method within my api
[HttpPost("addIngredient")] public async Task<ActionResult<Guid>> addIngredient([FromBody] NewIngredient ingredient){ var newId = new OutputParameter<Guid?>(); var allergenId = new OutputParameter<Guid?>(); var nutrientId = new OutputParameter<Guid?>(); Guid libraryId = new Guid("CDDF26FE-D224-4916-8060-33F62E48F95E"); Guid groupId = new Guid("7993BFEE-E676-4A9A-A476-026953FB1594"); if (ingredient == null) { return BadRequest(); } else { await _foodDataServicesContext.GetProcedures().usp_InsertOrUpdateIngredientAsync(null,libraryId, groupId, ingredient.foodCode, ingredient.displayName, ingredient.displayName, "Description", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ingredient.costPerKilo, ingredient.internalReference, newId); foreach (AllergenIngredient allergen in ingredient.allergens) { await _foodDataServicesContext.GetProcedures().usp_Allergen_Ingredient_Link_InsertAsync(new Guid(allergen.AllergenId), newId._value, allergenId); } foreach (NutrientIngredientValue nutrientValue in ingredient.nutrients) { await _foodDataServicesContext.GetProcedures().usp_Nutrient_Ingredient_Values_InsertAsync(new Guid(nutrientValue.NutrientId), newId._value, nutrientValue.NutrientValue, nutrientId); } return Ok(newId._value); }
Hi Jake,
App Builder currently expects the full entity to be returned by the endpoint.Any chance that you can refactor to return the Ingredient instead of only the GUID?