We face following problems how to fix that like showing in sample snapshot?
Hi Hristo,
Thank you so much your provided solutions solved our problems.
Thank you for clarifying the exact position. To achieve this you can place the legend inside the chart div element and provide the legend the following css:
<div class="col-md-12 chart-body" id="priceChart" style="background-color: #EBF3FB; margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px;overflow:hidden;"> <div id="chartLegend" style="position: relative; float: right; left: -10px; top:5px; z-index: 10000;"></div> </div>
Please see the attached sample. I hope this meets your requirements. Please let me know if you have further questions on the matter, I will be glad to help.
Thank you so much your provided solution is solved our tooltip problems.
Hi Elinder,
I am glad 1) and 2) have been fixed. As mentioned I was not able to reproduce Failed to open error and Object doesn't support property or method 'igDataChart' error. Do you tend to see these with all browsers, or just with IE ?
The newly attached sample also fixes 3) when you stay at a point for a few seconds month change automatically, and tooltip is not showing of the visited points when we re-visit t the point. Please have a look at the attached Chart_v4.zip file. The sample now uses tooltipShown event and there is slight improvement in the if statement that handles the date label. Please have a look at it.
I assumed it os only left to address the legend position issue. I am not able to understand why the last one did not solve it. Do you want the legend element to automatically resize itself along with resizing the browser window for example ? Please let me know and explain in more detail. You can draw the place where you want the legend to appear also.