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PivotGrid is not able to read data from the Model


Here is my "_IgniteRazorPivotTablePartial" View which is using IEnumerable<ModelName> model:

@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc
@model IEnumerable<ModelName>

<!DOCTYPE html>


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<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

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dataSourceOptions => dataSourceOptions
.FlatDataOptions(flatOptions => flatOptions.Metadata(
metadata => metadata.Cube(cube => cube.Name("Invoices").Caption("Invoices")
.MeasuresDimension(measuresDimension => measuresDimension.Caption("Measures").Measures(
measures =>
measures.AddMeasure().Name("Customers").Caption("Customers Count").Aggregator("$.ig.OlapUtilities.prototype.sumCount('Customers')");
.Dimensions(dimensions =>
hierarchies =>
hierarchies.AddHierarchy().Name("Customers").Caption("Customers").Levels(levels =>
levels.AddLevel().Name("AllCustomers").Caption("All Customers")
.MemberProvider("function(item) {return 'All Customers'; }");
levels.AddLevel().Name("CustomerName").Caption("Customer Name")
.MemberProvider("function(item) {return item.CustomerName; }");
hierarchies =>
hierarchies.AddHierarchy().Name("Products").Caption("Products").Levels(levels =>
levels.AddLevel().Name("AllProducts").Caption("All Products")
.MemberProvider("function(item) {return 'All Products'; }");
.MemberProvider("function(item) {return item.ProductName; }");


and here is my model:

public class ModelName
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public string ProductName { get; set; }


And Controller:

public ActionResult ViewRazorIgnitePivotTable(string sessionId)
var ModelNameInstance = new List<ModelName>();
var fileName = Server.MapPath(@"~/sample.csv");

.Select(c => c.Split(','))
.Select(c => new ModelName
CustomerName = c[0].ToString(),
ProductName = c[1].ToString(),

return PartialView("_IgniteRazorPivotTablePartial", ModelNameInstance);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;

My partial view, receives the right model (which I doubt is accepted by your Pivot Grid) so is not able to recognise neither item.ProductName nor item.CustomerName and throws an error which is unable to get value for null/undefined reference.

I appreciate if you could give me an idea of what could be the problem.

Thanks in advance,