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Bug in transformedData method?

I'm using transformedData method as said in this post but with a different propose. I want to export the grids data. I was following 'Suggestion 2' in this post but then I realized that dataView method returns only the current page rows. I want to get filtered rows but from every page (from transformedData documentation that would be the second option: "2. After filtering before paging"). However I've tried and it doesn't work correctly. It returns the result from the last used transformedData method.

Here you can see this odd behavior.

I need to get the records after filtering and sorting but before paging. How can I do?

  • 15320
    Offline posted

    Hello intecomp,

    I investigated your sample in jsFiddle and I noticed that you're looping through an object that you haven't defined: 'filteredData'. I assume that while you were trying to adopt the code from this sample: you didn't change the name of the transformedData object variable. I modified your sample and now it returns the correct data after filtering from every page: as per your requirement. If you need further assistance, please let me know.




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