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unbound column button ondblclick event not raised

I have an igGrid with Row selection and cell editor dblclick working (showDoneCancelButtons: true not working ?). I have a Reset button in an unbound column whose associated event is not raise (using ondblclick). Any one have an idea why these don't appear to work?


Here's the data and grid creation code:

    kbo_orderItemsDS = [
          { "OrderItemId": 1, "SKU": "1234567890121", "Name": "My First Book With Longer Title Than Fits", "Quantity": 15, "Shipped": 15, "Cost": 1.50, "Price": "3.50", "MSRP": 12.50 },
          { "OrderItemId": 2, "SKU": "1234567890122", "Name": "My Second Book", "Quantity": 10, "Shipped": 10, "Cost": 2.50, "Price": "6.00", "MSRP": 13.50 },
          { "OrderItemId": 3, "SKU": "1234567890123", "Name": "My Third Book", "Quantity": 5, "Shipped": 5, "Cost": 3.50, "Price": "6.75", "MSRP": 14.50 }

function kbo_displayOrderItems(orderItems) {

        width: "100%",
        dataSource: orderItems,
        autoGenerateColumns: false,
        primaryKey: "OrderItemId",
        columns: [
            { headerText: "OrderItemId", key: "OrderItemId", dataType: "number", hidden: true },
            { headerText: "SKU", key: "SKU", width: "25%", dataType: "string" },
            { headerText: "Name", key: "Name", width: "30%", dataType: "string" },
            { headerText: "Qty", key: "Quantity", width: "10%", dataType: "number" },
            { headerText: "Shipped", key: "Shipped", width: "20%", dataType: "number" },
                headerText: "", key: "Reset", dataType: "string", width: "15%", unbound: true,
                template: "<input type='button' ondblclick='kbo_updateQty(${OrderItemId}, ${Qty})' value='Reset' class='kbo-UpdateQuantity'/>"

        // tree grid specific options
        key: "OrderItemId",
        hierarchicalDataSource: false,
        initialExpandDepth: 1,
        multipleSelection: false,
        activation: true,
        features: [
                    name: "Selection",
                    mode: "row",
                    rowSelectionChanged: kbo_orderItemSelected
                    name: "Updating",
                    editMode: "cell",
                    rowEditDialogContainment: "owner",
                    showDoneCancelButtons: true,
                    showReadonlyEditors: false,
                    enableDeleteRow: false,
                    enableAddRow: false,
                    startEditTriggers: "dblclick,F2",
                    columnSettings: [
                        columnKey: "SKU",
                        readOnly: true
                        columnKey: "Name",
                        readOnly: true
                        columnKey: "Quantity",
                        readOnly: true
                        columnKey: "Shipped",
                        editorType: "numeric",
                        editorOptions: {
                            dataMode: "int",
                            maxValue: 10000,
                            minValue: 0,
                            button: "spin",
                            width: "100%"
                        columnKey: "Reset",
                        readOnly: true
                name: 'Paging',
                type: "local",
                pageSize: 10,
                totalRecCountKey: kbo_orderItemsDS.length

  • 15320
    Offline posted

    Hello AbbottF,

    I tested your code and the only change I made is to modify the 'ondbclick' handler of the button within the unbound column in order to test it whether it raises or not. I changed it to the following:

    template: "<input type='button' ondblclick='test();' value='Reset' class='kbo-UpdateQuantity'/>"


    function test(){

    And the event fires properly on my side. I'm attaching the sample for your reference.

    If you need further assistance, feel free to contact me.


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