Is there a way to have Row Selection turned on and still be able to Highlight/Cut/Copy/Paste text within the grid?
I have a grid set up with the following features.
features: [ {name:"RowSelectors",rowSelectorColumnWidth:31,enableCheckBoxes:true,enableRowNumbering:false,requireSelection:false}, {name:"Selection",mode:"row",multipleSelection:true, rowSelectionChanging: function(evt, ui) { evt.preventDefault(); //This only fires when clicking something other than checkbox. } }
This setup is so that only the checkboxes are used to select rows. However, here and even in the sample, you cannot cut/copy/paste any text when selection is turned on for the grid.
Any help would be appreciated.
I should note that I am using version 2013-2
Hello Gary LoPresto,
Thank you for posting in our forums!
I have created a support case for you with an ID of CAS-149455-K4J4J8. After some testing and research, the matter has been determined to be a development issue and has been logged in our tracking system with ID: 187146.
I will leave this case open and update you with any new information. You can view the status of the development issue connected to this case by going to the “Account” tab on our website, selecting "My Support Activity" and then this support case will be listed there. Then, you may select the "Development Issues" tab to view details of this development issue.
Please let me know if you have any questions.