in my case if i try to bind grid using below mentioned datasource url
function GetDetailForInvoiceLanguage() {
LoadInvoiceLanguageListINGrid(null); DestroyDependentGrid(); $("#PickList").addClass("modalMain").fadeIn("slow"); ParentGridFristRowSelection(); }
function LoadInvoiceLanguageListINGrid(datasource) { var showInactiveColumn = GetInactiveCheckboxValue(); DestroyParentGrid(); $("#gridPickList").igGrid({ primaryKey: "InvoiceLanguageID", autoGenerateColumns: false, width: "500px", height: parentGridHeight, caption: $("#hdnGridCaptionText").val(), renderCheckboxes: true, aggregateTransactions: true, responseDataKey: 'Records', responseDataType: "jsonp", requestError: ShowRequesterror, updateUrl: '@Url.Content("~/PickList/SaveInvoiceLanguagePickList")', columns: [ { headerText: "Invoice Language ID", key: "InvoiceLanguageID", dataType: "number", width: "25px" }, { headerText: "Inactive", key: "Inactive", dataType: "bool", width: "75px" }, { headerText: "Surveyor", key: "SurveyorID", dataType: "string", hidden: true, formatter: formatSurveyorCombo, width: "25px" }, { headerText: "Surveyor", key: "Surveyor", unbound: true, dataType: "string", width: "150px", formula: function (row, grid) { return formatSurveyorCombo(row.SurveyorID); } }, { headerText: "Company", key: "NominatingCompanyID", dataType: "string", hidden: true, formatter: formatCompanyCombo, width: "25px" }, { headerText: "Company", key: "Company", unbound: true, dataType: "string", width: "150px", formula: function (row, grid) { return formatCompanyCombo(row.NominatingCompanyID); } },
{ headerText: "Text", key: "Text", dataType: "string", width: "100px" },
], dataSource: '@Url.Content("~/PickList/GetDetailForInvoiceLanguage")' + '?isChecked=' + $('#hdnIsInActiveChecked').val(), //datasource,
features: [ { name: 'Hiding', //enableVerticalRendering: false, columnSettings: [ { columnKey: 'InvoiceLanguageID', allowHiding: true, hidden: true },
{ columnKey: 'Inactive', allowHiding: true, hidden: showInactiveColumn //true },
] },
{ name: "Tooltips", style: "popover", visibility: "overflow", showDelay: 500, hideDelay: 100 }, { name: "Responsive", enableVerticalRendering: true, reactOnContainerWidthChanges: true, windowWidthToRenderVertically: null, }, { name: "Selection", mode: "row", multipleSelection: false, touchDragSelect: false, // this is true by default multipleCellSelectOnClick: false }, { name: "Sorting", type: "local" },
{ name: "Filtering", type: "local", mode: "simple", dataFiltering: PickListGridDataFiltering },
{ name: 'Updating', editMode: pickListGridEditMode, enableAddRow: pickListGridEditMode == 'none' ? false : true, enableDeleteRow: pickListGridEditMode == 'none' ? false : true, columnSettings: [ { columnKey: "Inactive", editorType: 'bool', },
//{ // columnKey: "SurveyorID", // editorType: 'combo', // validation: true, // required: true, // editorOptions: { // mode: "dropdown", // dataSource: jsonsurveyorName, // textKey: "Name", // valueKey: "SurveyorID"
// } //},
{ columnKey: "Surveyor", editorType: 'combo', validation: true, required: true, editorOptions: { id: "comboSurveyor", mode: "dropdown", dataSource: jsonsurveyorName, textKey: "Name", valueKey: "Name"
} },
{ columnKey: "Company", editorType: 'combo', validation: true, required: true, editorOptions: { id: "comboCompany", mode: "dropdown", dataSource: jsonNominatingCompanies, textKey: "Name", valueKey: "Name"
//{ // columnKey: "NominatingCompanyID", // editorType: 'combo', // validation: true, // required: true, // editorOptions: { // mode: "dropdown", // dataSource: jsonNominatingCompanies, // textKey: "Name", // valueKey: "NominatingCompanyID"
{ columnKey: "Text", editorType: 'string', validation: true, editorOptions: { required: true } }],
} } else { var surveyorCombo = ui.owner.editorForKey("Surveyor").data("igCombo"); var surveyorID = surveyorCombo.options.dataSource[surveyorCombo.selectedIndex()]["SurveyorID"]; var companyCombo = ui.owner.editorForKey("Company").data("igCombo"); var companyID = companyCombo.options.dataSource[companyCombo.selectedIndex()]["NominatingCompanyID"]; var row = ui.values; row["SurveyorID"] = surveyorID; row["NominatingCompanyID"] = companyID; }
} ]
}); }
on executing of SaveUnSaveGridOnConfirmation('fromPickList', this); function getting hanged and below error is coming
Detaill of function SaveUnSaveGridOnConfirmation(calledFromMethodName, currentPickListObject) is as follows
function SaveUnSaveGridOnConfirmation(calledFromMethodName, currentPickListObject) {
EndEditChangesOnSaveAndReload(); if (($("#gridPickList").data("igGrid") != null && HasPendingTransactions($("#gridPickList"))) || ($("#gridDependentPickList").data("igGrid") != undefined && HasPendingTransactions($("#gridDependentPickList")))) { $("#dialogYesNoCancel>p>label").text("There are unsaved changes on this screen. Do you want to save them first before closing?"); $("#dialogYesNoCancel").dialog({ resizable: false, height: 140, modal: true, buttons: { "Yes": function () { if (HasPendingTransactions($("#gridPickList")) == true) { $("#gridPickList").igGrid("saveChanges"); isPicklistModified = true; RefreshParentGrid(); alert("changes have been saved"); $(this).dialog("close"); alert("ok2"); } if ($("#gridDependentPickList").data("igGrid") != undefined) { if (HasPendingTransactions($("#gridDependentPickList")) == true) { $("#gridDependentPickList").igGrid("saveChanges"); isPicklistModified = true; RefreshDependentGrid(); alert("changes have been saved"); $(this).dialog("close"); } } if (calledFromMethodName == 'fromChkShowInactiveRows') { alert("ok3"); if ($("#chkShowInactiveRows").is(':checked')) { $('#chkShowInactiveRows').prop('checked', false); } else { $('#chkShowInactiveRows').prop('checked', true); } doCheckUnCheckActivity(); alert("ok4"); }
if (calledFromMethodName == 'fromPickList') { alert("ok5"); //if ($("#chkShowInactiveRows").is(':checked')) { // $('#chkShowInactiveRows').prop('checked', true); //} else { // $('#chkShowInactiveRows').prop('checked', false); //} //doCheckUnCheckActivity(); doPickListActivity(currentPickListObject); alert("ok6"); }
if (calledFromMethodName == 'frombtnClosePick') { alert("ok7"); //if ($("#chkShowInactiveRows").is(':checked')) { // $('#chkShowInactiveRows').prop('checked', false); //} else { // $('#chkShowInactiveRows').prop('checked', true); //} btnCloseActivity(); } alert("ok8"); //ReloadNominationForm(); }, "NO": function () { alert("changes have not been saved"); $(this).dialog("close"); ReloadGrid($("#hdnGridName").val()); //if (HasPendingTransactions($("#gridPickList")) == true) { // RollbackChangesForParentGrid(); // alert("changes have not been saved"); // $(this).dialog("close"); //} //if ($("#gridDependentPickList").data("igGrid") != undefined) { // if (HasPendingTransactions($("#gridDependentPickList")) == true) { // RollbackChangesForDependentParentGrid(); // alert("changes have not been saved"); // $(this).dialog("close"); // } //} if (calledFromMethodName == 'fromChkShowInactiveRows') {
if ($("#chkShowInactiveRows").is(':checked')) { $('#chkShowInactiveRows').prop('checked', false); } else { $('#chkShowInactiveRows').prop('checked', true); } doCheckUnCheckActivity(); }
if (calledFromMethodName == 'fromPickList') {
//if ($("#chkShowInactiveRows").is(':checked')) { // $('#chkShowInactiveRows').prop('checked', false); //} else { // $('#chkShowInactiveRows').prop('checked', true); //} doPickListActivity(currentPickListObject); } alert("afterendofpicklis"); if (calledFromMethodName == 'frombtnClosePick') {
//if ($("#chkShowInactiveRows").is(':checked')) { // $('#chkShowInactiveRows').prop('checked', false); //} else { // $('#chkShowInactiveRows').prop('checked', true); //} btnCloseActivity(); } alert("afterendofclose"); //ReloadNominationForm(); }, Cancel: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); return false; }
}); return false; } }
Please let me know why executing SaveUnSaveGridOnConfirmation , a dialogbox opens and when i clicked on "Yes", getting hanged
and error is coming (if(this.options.dataSourceUrl||this.dataSource.type()==="remoteUrl" is coming null)
Early response is appreciated.
Hello Poonam,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I have some follow up questions concerning this matter. Have you tried calling commit before you call saveChanges?
What is the logic that happen in RefreshParentGrid?