I have a two level grid, child rows have a column for the foreign key (CategoryId), after a child row is added I want to set its value (it is done automatically when the parent row already exist but it doesn't if parent is new too), for example:
$(document).delegate("#MyGrid", "iggridupdatingrowadded", function (evt, ui) { var parentRow = $(ui.owner.element).parents("tr[data-container='true']").prev("tr"); var parentKey = $(parentRow).data("id"); ui.values["CategoryId"] = parseInt(parentKey);}
The problem with this is that the value is null when it is accessed with dataview.
How to set the value for a foreign key and then see it with dataview?
BTW, I have tried this too:
$(document).delegate("#MyGrid", "iggridupdatingrowadded", function (evt, ui) { var parentRow = $(ui.owner.element).parents("tr[data-container='true']").prev("tr"); var parentRowGrid = $(parentRow).closest("table"); var parentKey = $(parentRow).data("id"); if (parentRowId != undefined) { $($(parentRowGrid.context).attr("id")).igGridUpdating("setCellValue", ui.values["Id"], "CategoryId", parseInt(parentKey)); }}
This was answered here http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/93201/461387.aspx#461387
Hello Luis,
Thank you for posting in our community and sharing your experience with the other members.
If you need further assistance regarding this matter, please let me know.