I'd like to get the table real estate back when a column is moved to the group by field. my table initially has two columns added to the gorup by area so that has to be accounted for as well. I' m fairly new to js so I really aprreciate the guidence.
I have group by working but can't figure out how to propertly handle groupedColumnsChanged event.
Any help would be appreciated.
This just about perfect.
Except it doesn't account for the columns initially group by columns,.
I tried adding your code to the datarendered event, but that caused issues.
I am having a hard time with igGrid documentation as can't find a list of events that are available. Where should an event populate the hiddencolumns array on iggrid initialization?
Thaks again this is awesome support.
Hello Douglas,
I'm attaching a sample which demonstrates your desired behavior.
Best regards,
Martin PavlovInfragistics. Inc.