I am using the custom logic to handle the selection of the IGGrid (Infragistics grid (Ignite UI) ) as multi selection does not work with the virtualization (i.e. the known issue of virtualization of the Grid). And as there are the large number of records in the grid so we need the virtualization as well to improve the performance. Now the problem is that when we filter the data into grid, the filtered data is displayed in the grid. But the data source contains all the data bind with the grid.
Is there any way so that we can get the filtered data using juqery method or is there any workaround for this? Please help me out with this issue.
Sarvesh J
Hi Jason,
Thanks a lot! It helps me to get the filtered data.
Sarvesh J.
Hello Sarvesh,
This is possible, but first you'll have to get access to the underlying igDataSource object. The igDataSource exposes a method called transformedData that allows you to get the data objects after various actions have been applied.
var dataSource = $('#grid').data('igGrid').dataSource;var filteredData = dataSource.transformedData('afterfilteringandpaging');
I've created a small jsFiddle sample that you can use to see how this can be implemented:
Please let me know if this approach meets your requirements or if I may be of any other help.