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Selection issue with IgGrid


We recently upgraded to your new 14.2 software and I am experiencing some issues I had not noticed before. A big one was that the function we bound to the check boxes was firing three times per click.

     //Only show the Toolbar for Grid Modification Options if a Row is selected in the Grid
     $("#grid").bind("iggridselectionrowselectionchanged", toggleToolBar);

     $('#grid').bind("iggridrowselectorscheckboxstatechanged", toggleToolBar);

toggleToolBar is being call from nowhere else in our code, however it is ran three times on select and three times on deselect. Is this supposed to be like this?

Also, I noticed with your new bootstrap theme we can use on the grid, the row behaves oddly when you select it. Mainly, It blanks out the entire row unless you hover over it. I will attach a few screenshots to show what I mean. 


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  • 8421
    Verified Answer
    posted in reply to Julie Kirwin


    I took the information you provided and put together a jsFiddle sample. When I select one of the rows I only have the event firing a single time. This sample uses the latest version of 14.2 and the bind approach for setting up the event. Please review the sample and let me know if this is an accurate example of how you have implemented your grid and the event. If it is not, please provide me with a small sample or a modified Fiddle that demonstrates the issue you are seeing.

    As a note, while it won't likely solve the issue you are facing you may want to consider using jQuery's on function as it is recommended to use for attaching event handlers in jQuery 1.7 and later.

    If I may be of any other help please let me know.

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