The following script retrieves reference to the first child of first row in grid.
var firstChildGrid = $('#grid1').igHierarchicalGrid('allChildrenWidgets')[0]; firstChildGrid.dataBind();
what I need is to go down one more level and then dataBind.
I understand your answer, but in trying to implement it appears I may not understand completely how .igHierarchicalGrid('allChildrenWidgets')[0] functions.
Is the subscript [0] and index for which row of the grid to return children for?
If I have a grid that renders 4 rows and on child level for each row. If the third row has been expanded I want to rebind the data. I thought this syntax would work:
var firstChildGrid = $('#grid1').igHierarchicalGrid('allChildrenWidgets')[2];
But firstChildGrid is undefined.
Thanks in advance for your help
Hello Chuck,
You can get the second level children widgets as follows:
var firstChildGrid = $('#grid1').igHierarchicalGrid('allChildrenWidgets')[0];
var secondLevelGrid = firstChildGrid.childrenWidgets()[0];
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have further questions on the matter.