PFA sample data (RawFile.htm), javascript Code where I am binding data to Grid and formatting(javascriptForDataBind.txt) to get the layout which is similar to the attached png file(RequiredGridLayout1.png)
I am binding the data to grid after making a ajax call to fetch data from database.
Issues Encountered:
1. Parent node data is coming properly, where as when I try to click + icon getting error "0x800a139e - JavaScript runtime error: There was an error parsing the JSON data and applying the defined data schema: Unable to get property 'PrimarydisplayKey' of undefined or null reference"
2. jus to check with some dummy data I have used the data and the javascript which is updated in initializeWithDummyData.docx in the attachment. When I call this initializedummydata method is initialization section, I didn't get any error as mentioned above. But I observed that footage values are not coming properly, the first data for footage is being repeated for all the child records, screen shot attached as part of this document file itself.
3. Is there any option I can hide the collapse/expand icons?
4. when grid is displayed I want the grid to be expanded and should be able to see the child records as well.
Hello Kiran,
Thank you for posting in Infragistics forum !
Your sample data is not properly defined. I have put it in a .js file - please use it instead in your sample with a reference. Also use this options when initializing the grid:
dataSource: jsonData,dataSourceType: "json",responseDataKey: "d",
Then I managed to run your sample with that configuration and experienced the same behavior you did - every child was populated with the same data.
I am currently working on this to investigate what causes this issue. I will keep you posted with my findings.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Thanks for the reply.
I have added {"d": for the raw data just before binding it to the grid. Code sample for binding data to the grid is provided as part of previously attached zip folder (javascriptForDataBind.txt).
Hi Hristo,
Yes now issues related to my requirement is resolved.
Thanks for your support.
Hello Kiran,I am still following your case. Have you been able to resolve the last issue? you asked about ?If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me, I will be glad to help you.Thank you for choosing Infragistics components!
in this case it is best to set the expandColWidth property to 0 as follows:
If you have any other questions on the matter, I will be glad to help.
is it possible to hide the expand/collapse all column, with the code snippet mentioned above, I can hide the collapse/expand buttons but when i try to click on the row, the expand and collapse functionality still works...
Is there a way we can hide that column itself? or restrict the click events?
I could hide the header of subgrid by using showHeaders: false option.