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Setting Value of igGrid cell with valueKey from combo cell


I'm currently working with igGrid and having difficult figuring out how to do something.

I have  a cell in my grid setup as a comboBox called "JobID". I also have another column in my grid called "JobKey".

The valueKey of the JobID combo is JobKey. If the user is entering a new row of editing a row, I want the JobKey column to update to display the correct one.

So how do I set the JobKey cell in this row the same as the valueKey of my in-Grid combo's valueKey?

This i've been tinkering around with selectionChange, but never got it working. This was my closest attempt.


columnKey: 'JobID',
editorType: 'combo',

   loadOnDemandSettings: {
             enabled: true,
              pageSize: 25
   responseDataKey: "value",
   dataSource: jobDS,
   filteringType: "remote",
   textKey: "JobID",
   valueKey: "JobKey",
   virtualization: true,
   autoComplete: true,
   itemTemplate: "<div>${JobID} - ${JobName}</div>",
   nullText: "",
   headerTemplate: "<div class='dropDownHeaderFooter'>Select a Job</div>",
   footerTemplate: "<div class='dropDownHeaderFooter'></div>",
   filterExprUrlKey: 'startsWith',
   mode: 'editable',
   selectionChanged: function (evt, ui) {
        $("#gridReservations").igGridUpdating("setCellValue", //getrowID?, 'JobKey', //valueKey??);



(sorry for poor indentation)



  • 1440

    Hello Julie,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Support!

    It's not clear enough what you are trying to achieve. Please review the attached sample and let me know if this is the desired behavior.

    If not can you please modify the sample, so that it reproduces the issue. Looking forward to your answer!
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