I am using iggrid in my web application,i enable renderCheckboxes: true and i need to fix check box column.
Please suggest me how to fix the check box column in iggrid .
Thank You
Hello Kiran,
You have to enable the ColumnFixing feature of the grid. When the feature is enabled, column can be fixed by users by default. You can enable it like this:
$("#grid").igGrid({ renderCheckBoxes: true, features : [{ name : "ColumnFixing" }]});
If you want the column to be fixed when the grid is loaded you shoul set the isFixed option to true, and to disable the users from fixing the column you set the allowFixing option to False:
$("#grid").igGrid({ renderCheckBoxes: true, features : [{ name : "ColumnFixing",
columnSettings: [{ columnKey: "Name", allowFixing: false, isFixed: true }] });
For detailed info you can refer to the API reference at http://help.infragistics.com/jQuery/2014.1/ui.iggridcolumnfixing and to the Column Fixing sample at http://www.igniteui.com/grid/column-fixing
Thank You,
But check box is a renderCheckboxes i don't have a column name for the check box.
I am still following your case. Have you been able to resolve the issue using the suggested ?If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me, I will be glad to help you.Thank you for choosing Infragistics components!
The column with the RowSelectors is not assigned a columnKey. However, it is enough for you to enable the ColumnFixing feature and that column be fixed automatically. Please refer to my sample for a demonstration.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#grid").igGrid({ autoGenerateColumns: true, dataSource: source, features: [ { name: 'RowSelectors' }, { name: 'Selection', multipleSelection: true } ] }); }); </script> We used above code for check box in iggrid.Please go through the link and provide me how to fix the header checkbox.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#grid").igGrid({ autoGenerateColumns: true, dataSource: source, features: [ { name: 'RowSelectors' }, { name: 'Selection', multipleSelection: true } ] }); }); </script>
I am just checking if were able to resolve your issue or had the time to prepare a sample of your data source. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me, I will be glad to help you.Thank you for choosing Infragistics components!
I do not see any template that contains html markup like <input type="checkbox">.
The only possibility that you get checkboxes rendered is having a bool datatype in your datasource that is not manually defined as a column but is rather auto generated. Please provide me your datasource in order to investigate it.