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igCombo cascading mvc update form

I have 2 comboboxes which Works perfect in a create form with a empty model

when I use the same 2 comboboxes in an update form only the first is populated

.ComboFor(m => m.omvisning.Bestiller_ID)
.NullText("Vælg bestiler")
.ValidatorOptions(o => o.Required(true))

.ComboFor(m => m.omvisning.Kontakt_ID)
.NullText("Vælg kontaktperson")
.CascadingSettings(settings => settings.ParentComboID("#ddBestiller").ParentComboKey("Firma_ID"))

I also have this JavaScript

$("#ddBestiller").igCombo({ selectionChanged: ddBestiller_Valgt });
$("#ddKontakt").igCombo({ selectionChanged: ddKontakt_Valgt });

function ddBestiller_Valgt(evt, ui) {

if (ui.items != null) {

var id = ui.items[0].value;

var postData = { "ID": id };

$.getJSON("@Url.Content("~/Omvisning/Hent_Bestiller")", postData, function (data) {

if (data.OK == "JA")






$("#txtEAN").text(data.EAN == null ? "" : data.EAN);

$("#txtSEnr").text(data.SENR == null ? "" : data.SENR);

$("#cbInstitution").prop("checked", data.Institution);

$("#cbSend_Email").prop("checked", data.Send_Email);

$("#cbForening").prop("checked", data.Forening);


$("#ddKontakt").igCombo("selectedIndex", 0);

$("#ddKontakt").igCombo("activeIndex", 0);

var item = $("#ddKontakt").igCombo("itemByIndex", 0);

if (item.value != null) {





return false;



function ddKontakt_Valgt(evt, ui) {

if (ui.items != null) {

var id = ui.items[0].value;


return false;



function hent_kontakt(id)


var postData = { "ID": id };

$.getJSON("@Url.Content("~/Omvisning/Hent_Kontakt")", postData, function (data) {

if (data.OK == "JA")






