Please suggest, how do I refresh the content of igGrid after assigning new data to dataSource in case of AngularJS.
Thanks in advance.
Hello Vijay,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
You may employ two-way updating as suggested in the following:
If you have any questions, please let us know as well.
I am not really looking for updating the data from UI. Instead, when I am updating the dataSource property of gridOptions, I am not able to see the change in columns/data reflected on the page/UI. Please suggest.
You should be able to just change the dataSource using the API of the grid. For example:
$("#grid1").igGrid("option", "dataSource", [{"ProductName": "test1"}]);
Another way to do this is changing the scope at which the grid is bound:
angular.element("#grid1").scope().northwind[1].ProductName = "Writing Pad"; angular.element("#grid1").scope().$apply();
Sincerely, Deyan
I am just following up and see how it worked out with the grid. If you have any questions, please le t know as well.