hi guys, i have declare an event on a grid, that grid is inside a dialogbox.
when i open the dialog box i load the date onto the grid, and initialize events...
the problem is that if i open and close the dialog box 3 times, and then open again, if i select the row checkbox the event runs 3 times?
what am i doing wrong?
$("#grid_Choose_Modulos_From_All_Processos").bind('iggridrowselectorscheckboxstatechanged', function (e, ui) { //$(document).live("#grid_Choose_Modulos_From_All_Processos", "iggridrowselectorscheckboxstatechanged", function (evt, ui) { if (ui.state == "on") { if (!ui.isHeader) { IDLicenca = ui.row.attr("data-id"); _arrIDsModulosSelecionadosOnGridChooseModulosToLicenca.push(IDLicenca); _arrIDsModulosSelecionadosOnGridChooseModulosToLicenca = $.unique(_arrIDsModulosSelecionadosOnGridChooseModulosToLicenca); console.log(_arrIDsModulosSelecionadosOnGridChooseModulosToLicenca); } } else { if (!ui.isHeader) { IDLicenca = ui.row.attr("data-id"); var pos = $.inArray(IDLicenca, _arrIDsModulosSelecionadosOnGridChooseModulosToLicenca); if (pos > -1) { _arrIDsModulosSelecionadosOnGridChooseModulosToLicenca.splice(pos, 1); } console.log(_arrIDsModulosSelecionadosOnGridChooseModulosToLicenca); } } });
} console.log(_arrIDsModulosSelecionadosOnGridChooseModulosToLicenca); } } });
sorry, stupid mistake, i cant declare an event every time i open the dilog box..
if i do that, when the dialog box open it creates a new instance of the event...
if i open the dialog 3 times, it creates 3 instances of the event, and when i select the checkbox the message appears 3 times
sorry for asking this...