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How to set selectedIndexes on igCombo with "onWithCheckboxes" multiSelection option

Hi all,
I am not able to solve the following issue.
I created an igCombo with these features:

width: "85%",
textKey: fieldTextKey,
valueKey: "Id",
dataSource: data,
autoComplete: true,
filteringType: "local",
renderMatchItems: "startsWith",
dropDownOnFocus: true,
multiSelection: "onWithCheckboxes"

igCombo correctly renders, with all items visible. I check 3 items and I would like to see, by a javascript function, a list of all checked items (or indexes).
When I try the following one:


I can just see one index. So I try this:


And I can see 3 items, with index, text and value properties. That's ok.

Now, what I would like to do is to call a method that can deselect one or more items, triggering igcomboselectionchanged event.

How can I do it?

I tried with: 

$("#comboXXX").igCombo("option", "selectedItems", [{ index: 0 }, { index: 1 }]);

This selects indexes in a right way but, of course, it does not trigger igcomboselectionchanged...

Thanks in advance

Flavio M.

  • 2048
    Verified Answer


    for the moment I just tried to solve the issue with the following approach:

    var text = [];
    $.each($("#comboXXX).igCombo("option", "selectedItems"), function (key, obj) {
       if (obj.index != objectIndexToRemove)
    $("#combo_XXX").igCombo("text", text.join(', '), true);

    I was trying with:

    $("#combo_XXX").igCombo("text", $("#combo_XXX").igCombo("text")true);

    But it didn't fire onSelectionChanged event, even if I set true as last parameter. This probably happened because igCombo object did not see any changes?

    If there are better ways, please suggest me.


    Flavio M.

  • 2048

    Any ideas?

    Probably it is more simple than all the things I wrote.

    I just need a way to fire igcomboselectionchanged event...


    Flavio M.