I have multiple combobox on my form and some of them are hidden. I don't want to apply validation rules on them. I have tried something like:
var validatorOptions = {};validatorOptions.onblur = false;validatorOptions.onchange = false;validatorOptions.onsubmit = false;validatorOptions.formSubmit = false;validatorOptions.keepFocus = false;validatorOptions.showIcon = false;validatorOptions.required = false;
$('#my-combox-id').igCombo({ validatorOptions: validatorOptions, });
But it doesn't work, i still cannot post my form.
So how do i disable validation on a combobox?
Hi, Chung.
I'm glad to hear that you were able to resolve your case. In the code snippet above, I've showed you on of the possible ways to bind to data bound event, using the jQuery on() method. What I was about to suggest you, was to use one of the other approaches, but it seems it's not necessary after you've already did it:
Thank you again for using our product!.
Best regards,
Nikolay Alipiev
I have a mis-understanding here. Just applied your code Snippet and it works! Thanks for your help!
I'm using version 13.2.20132.2055. It looks the same version in your provided thread.
Because my whole team is on progress to build our product, It may take risk if we update igniteUI to latest version. I prefer to use your solution in snippet.
But i don't really get your workaround solution:
The $(".container") selector from my HTML DOM will return an empty array, because of that, it takes no effect on my code. My hidden combo is still validated when submit form.
Thank for using our product and I hope I will be able to help you.
This was issue with the igCombo that we fixed with previous service release, so if you can tell me which version of Ignite UI product you are using, I will be able to help you better. Meanwhile you can use the solution used in the following forum thread:
But as I said if you are using the latest service release you should not experience this problem. So any additional information will help us to resolve your case or find inconsistencies in Ignite UI code.