I need to hide the expand button when a row has no childs, not only when I click the row but always. How can I achieve this?
I tried to use the dataRendered event, and loop through ui.owner.allRows() and for each row I could hide the expander, but how can I get the item for a certain row of the ui.owner.allRows() method (in order to know if the item has or not childs).
Best Regards,
Francisco Correia
Hi fmcorreia,
Thank you for posting in our forums! The igHierarchicalGrid does not render expand buttons if the child grid does not have records. I attached a basic sample that demonstrates this behavior. Please take a look at it and let me know if this is what you expect. If not you can modified it and send it back to me and I will try to come up with a solution.
I’m looking forward to your response!
Kind regards, Petko Zhekov Senior Software Engineer
The problem was that I was setting the initialDataBindDepth to 1 and I only notice that with your sample...
Thanks Petko.