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The continuous saga to bypass the primary strikes yet again.

I'm pretty confident there is no way around this one but going to ask never the less. Again this is not a question for using the grid in a normal way. I have spend a good amount of time trying to figure out how to use a grid without using a primary key. So far so good but I'm reaching a snag here.

I use this to update my data source manually.

this.gridIDMap.dataSource._data[cell.rowIndex][cell.columnKey] = data;

This works on all cells that are not under the primary key column. For example take this grid


say the last column is my primary key in this case. If I do the following

this.gridIDMap.dataSource._data[0][0] = data;

Everything goes well. but doing this

this.gridIDMap.dataSource._data[2][0] = data;

Gets my an internal error on a var called rec and then the grid is basically broken. Mainly the selection tool no longer works. When you think about it this make perfect sense, who can you be permitted to change a primary key value? So I dont think there is a way around this and hiding a fake primary key causes other issue.