I have an igHierarchicalGrid and by default the rows seem to alternate background colors of white and grey. Is there a way I can control what the background colors are for each row based on the values inside it.
I have tried using templates to change the background colors of the columns but that only seems to cover a small portion of the cell (see image below).
Hi mbhydro,
Thank you for posting in our forums!
You can continue to use the templates to design the cells and you can change the CSS of the cells to cover the entire cell.
Please see the example I have attached to this post that demonstrates how this can be achieved.
Additionally, the alternate row styles can be disabled by setting the alternateRowStyles option to false.
If you need further assistance with this, please let me know.
Hello mbhydro,
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns about this issue and I'll be glad to help you.