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Paging in ig-Pivot-grid


i am working on a sample project where i am trying to show the details of a store to the user.the number of records are more in number and i want to show the records in is there any possibility of showing the records in pages using ig-pivot-grid.....if so, can you send me a sample or example so that i can understand better...

Thanks in advance


  • 20255
    Offline posted

    Hello mohammad,

    I am still following your case. Have you been able to resolve the issue?

  • 20255
    Offline posted


     Thank you for contacting us!

     Currently it is not possible to use paging in igPivodGrid like it is used in igGrid for example, to show records separately in pages. Please let me know what is your goal here, so I can suggest you a solution. You can use paging in igGird and keep in mind that this is the fastest jQuery grid on the market and provides line of business features, touch support, and responsive web design features. You can bind the igGrid to a variety of data sources including JSON, XML, HTML tables, .NET collections, and even .NET DataTables.

     Looking forward to hearing from you!