I have several igCombo components in a page. Theses combos are initialized with a remote JSON data source (it works fine).
For some of them I would like to let the user type a value in the combo field even if there is no matching value in the dataSource loaded.
If the user type a non-existing value it would create for example a new entry in the data refernces of the combo with a fake ID like "-5000" for example, in order to identify it when the form is submitted to identify it is an 'exotic' value that needs special process.
Hi, PEO-Stokomani.
If it's proper, I will ask you to attach a sample with that problem. The "allowCustomValue" property should work, unless you set the "mode" of the combo to read only. If you didn't set this property, "allowCustomValue" should be enough to allow you to freely write text.
I will wait for your feedback.
Best regards,
Nikolay Alipiev
Moreover the "allowCustomValue" option doesn't seem to work properly.
The fiels is still reset when data doesn't exists in the dataSource
Moreover teh "allowCutomValue" option doesn't seem to work properly.
The fiels is sill reset when data doesn't exist in the dataSource
In fact it would be cool to prevent the 'noMatchFound' event when combo is in AutoComplete mode and editable and when no match is found so we can add a custom value to the dataSource