I have a tree and I tried to add it to an iframe. Once I did all the formatting is gone, its just a list of my root nodes shown by bullet points?
Hi seang,
Yes, I am saying that the iframe does not have access to the styling. Please see the simple HTML sample I have attached that helps demonstrate the issue.
To see this, please open the "IgniteUISample - TreeInFrame.html" page which includes tree.html inside an iframe. The outer igTree will appear fine whereas the iframe's tree is not styled correctly. To change this, you will need to reference the styling within the iframe's src file (tree.html).
Please let me know if you need further assistance with this.
"The files are the same files needed to display the controls in a normal html page. " If they are the same files than why bring that up? I already have it working on a normal page, the problem occurred when I iframed it. So if what you said "The files are the same" Then I dont need to change anything?
Or re you saying an Iframe does not have access to my included css? I'm new to Iframes.
Here is my css
bundles.Add( new StyleBundle( "~/bundles/cssStyle" ).Include( "~/SCT/igniteui/Demos/content/style.css" ) ); bundles.Add( new StyleBundle( "~/Content/themes/base/css" ).Include( "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.core.css", "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.resizable.css", "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.selectable.css", "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.accordion.css", "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.autocomplete.css", "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.button.css", "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.dialog.css", "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.slider.css", "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.tabs.css", "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.datepicker.css", "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.progressbar.css", "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.theme.css" ) );
Update: Looks like I'm trying to use iframes wrong. Instead of pages I'm putting content in them
var d = $( "#iTree" )[0].contentWindow.document; d.open(); d.appendChild( win ); d.close();
and I think what you mean is I need this in there, somehow?
@{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";}
The files are the same files needed to display the controls in a normal html page. You can find more information on the styling files in our documentation here:
If you need further assistance with this, please let me know.
Thx guys, I've look for such files and can not find them. Would it be possible to mention the folder they would be in or maybe what the files start with.
Thank you for posting in our forums!
As Konstantin mentioned, please make sure you have included the styling files for the iframe to reference.
If this does not help, could you please provide a sample that demonstrates this behavior?