i am using infragistics iggrid 2013.1 and my grid has features pagination filter sorting etc i want to implement row selector with check boxes.
i am able to successfully provide that feature but i was facing a problem that at the time of filtration or sorting that i was loosing the information of selected rows. for that i am using
selectedRows = $("#prodByMeaInfra").igGridSelection("selectedRows") and
for (i = 0; i < selectedRows.length; i++) {
and keeping selected rows information with me and at the time of grid rerender
$("#prodByMeaInfra").on("iggriddatarendered", function (event, args) { for (i = 0; i < selectedRowsIds.length; i++) { $("#prodByMeaInfra").igGridSelection("selectRow", $("#prodByMeaInfra").find("tr[data-id='" + selectedRowsIds[i] + "']").index()); } });
i am using this to select the row back and its working perfectly in filtration and sorting but now i am facing problem at grid pagination when i am selecting some row at first page and going to second page and selecting some row
selectedRows = $("#prodByMeaInfra").igGridSelection("selectedRows")
the above code give me correct no of rows but when i come to this code
for refernce i am attaching last post link where i have asked that problem solution
Hello vivek,
I noticed that this issue has been resolved in the following forum thread that you mentioned:
If you need any further assistance with this matter please feel free to contact me.