Hi all,
i have downloaded and succesfully installed ignite jquery trial version.
Your examples work well.
I encounter the following problem modifying your html code inside the page 'samples\igniteui.samplesbrowser\htmlsamples\pivot-grid\binding-to-xmla-data-source.html'
I am trying to connect to my Catalog/Cube resident on my MS Analytical Services installed on the same machine with msmdpump.dll already configured.
This is the modified code:
<script>$.support.cors = true;
$(function () {var dataSource = new $.ig.OlapXmlaDataSource({serverUrl: 'http://localhost/olap/msmdpump.dll',catalog: 'FBIRoambi' });
$('#dataSelector').igPivotDataSelector({dataSource: dataSource,height: "650px",width: "240px"});$("#pivotGrid").igPivotGrid({dataSource: dataSource,height: "650px",width: "670px"});});</script>
Viewing the modified page on the browser all the combo box are empty.
I think there is a problem connecting to MSAS/msmdpump.dll; do you know a way to trace or log datasource connection errors ?
For your information i have no problem connecting to the same Catalog/Cube using MS Excel installed on the same machine.
Hi Marco!
You can try the following:
var dataSource = new $.ig.OlapXmlaDataSource({ serverUrl: 'http://localhost/olap/msmdpump.dll', //catalog: 'FBIRoambi' });
var promise = dataSource.initialize(); promise.fail(function (error) { // break here to inspect the error }); promise.done(function(rootMetadataItem) { // everything is OK. inspect the rootMetadataItem });
Let me know if you need any further assistance.
Hi Philip,
i have modified the code as following:
<script> $.support.cors = true;
$(function () { var dataSource = new $.ig.OlapXmlaDataSource({ serverUrl: 'http://localhost/olap/msmdpump.dll' }); var promise = dataSource.initialize(); promise.fail(function (error) { // break here to inspect the error }); promise.done(function(rootMetadataItem) { // everything is OK. inspect the rootMetadataItem }); $('#dataSelector').igPivotDataSelector({ dataSource: dataSource, height: "650px", width: "240px" }); $("#pivotGrid").igPivotGrid({ dataSource: dataSource, height: "650px", width: "670px" }); }); </script>
Combo box continue to be empty.
Promise object has some attributes to check errors?
I suggest you replace the promise.fail() code from the above as follows:
promise.fail(function (error) { console.log(error);});
If an error occurs, this will print its details in your browser's console. You can also add a breakpoint in this place in order to expect the "error" argument at runtime.
If an error occurs, it may have a few nested exceptions, that you can expect via the error's '__innerException' property.
Let me know if this helps.
I'm really glad you got it working. I think other community members might benefit from your experience as well.
Be sure to stop by the forums at any time if you have any other issues/questions.
fantastic, now it works fine, see the attached snapshot.
Thanks a lot
We inspected the logs and noticed the "XMLAnalysisError.0xc1180001" error. This leads us to believe that the IIS user used for anonymous access to your database on the SQL Server does not have the read permission to it.
Could you check in SQL Management Studio that this user (by default this is IUSR) has read permission for your database. I am attaching a screenshot to illustrate this (the AdministratorOLAP role has read access for the datasource and for the cubes - see the General and Cubes pages from the Edit Role dialog in the bottom picture).
Let me know if this resolves the issue.
i have captured two txt files from console.
The first one named 'initial_load' contains the error i get browsing the html page for the first time
The second one named 'next_page_reload' contains the error i get reloading the same page from chrome.
Have you any ideas ?
If you have followed all the instructions for configuring cross-domain access for the XmlaDataSource as described in the help topic that you mentioned and it still does not work, there are two things you can check:
In order to understand what the error exactly is, you will need to drill-down into the __innerException property of the exception that you get. In fact, most probably there will be multiple nested __innerExceptions and you will need to reach the one on the deepest level, to see the actual error message.
Another thing is to check the Network tab of the developer tools in Chrome, where you can inspect the actual response from the server.
I am awaiting your reply.