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'_injectGrid' of undefined or null reference

getting error only in IE and chrome not the other browsers.

SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property '_injectGrid' of undefined or null reference
infragistics.ui.grid.framework.js, line 25 character 115910

here is the call stack.
    _initFeature, infragistics.ui.grid.framework.js, line 25
    Anonymous function, jquery-ui-1.9.1.m1n.js, line 5
    dataBind, infragistics.ui.grid.framework.js, line 25
    Anonymous function, jquery-ui-1.9.1.m1n.js, line 5
    _create, infragistics.ui.grid.framework.js, line 25
    Anonymous function, jquery-ui-1.9.1.m1n.js, line 5
    _createWidget, jquery-ui-1.9.1.m1n.js, line 5
    _createWidget, infragistics.ui.grid.framework.js, line 25
    Anonymous function, jquery-ui-1.9.1.m1n.js, line 5
    Anonymous function, jquery-ui-1.9.1.m1n.js, line 5
    Anonymous function, jquery-ui-1.9.1.m1n.js, line 5
    each, jquery-1.8.2.m1n.js, line 2
    each, jquery-1.8.2.m1n.js, line 2
    Anonymous function, jquery-ui-1.9.1.m1n.js, line 5
>    Anonymous function, dataSheet.js, line 146
    _notifyLoaded, infragistics.loader.js, line 8
    Anonymous function, infragistics.loader.js, line 8
    _waitBatches, infragistics.loader.js, line 8
    load, infragistics.loader.js, line 8
    loader, infragistics.loader.js, line 8
    dataSheet, dataSheet.js, line 144

Since I only have the minified version I can not figure out the issue.

here is my builder


$.ig.loader( function ()
            inIUDiv.igGrid( {

                autoCommit: true,
                autoGenerateColumns: agc,
                columns: columns,
                fixedHeaders: true,
                autoFormat: "mumber",
                dataSourceType: "array",
                width: INSTANCE.gridWidth,
                height: INSTANCE.gridHeight,
                dataSource: inData,
                features: [
                    name: "Resizing",
                    columnSettings: [ { columnIndex: 0, allowResizing: false } ],//could use columnKey to choose based on column name like _spaceChar
                    deferredResizing: false,
                    allowDoubleClickToResize: true,
                    columnResizing: function ( )
                        return false;//dont want this

                    name: "Selection",
                    mode: "cell",
                    multipleSelection: true,
                    mouseDragSelect: true, // default value for selecting multiple cells with the mouse
                    touchDragSelect: true, // default value for selecting multiple cells with a finger
                    cellSelectionChanged: function ( evt, ui )
                        if ( ui.selectedCells.length > 1 && !INSTANCE.function_ )// more then one cell is selected. Needs this for scalars and tables
                            if ( ui.cell.index == 0 ) return false //fixes selecting from cells to row cells in table mode.

                            if ( ui.selectedCells[0].columnKey == _spaceChar ) { ui.owner.clearSelection(); return false } //fix for the selction starting in the row header


                        //build selection data - this needs an event realy...
                        var cells = INSTANCE.gridIDMap.selectedCells()
                        var firstColumn = cells[0].columnKey;
                        var row = 1, col = -1, x = 1;
                        for ( ; x < cells.length; x++ )
                            if ( col == -1 && cells[x].columnKey == firstColumn ) col = x;//only count the first pass
                            if ( cells[x].columnKey == firstColumn ) row++;//for each time we find a match its a new row.
                        if ( col == -1 ) col = x;
                        INSTANCE.selectionData = cells;
                        INSTANCE.selectionRows = row;
                        INSTANCE.selectionColumns = col;

                    cellSelectionChanging: function ( evt, ui )
                        if ( ui.cell && ui.cell.index == 0 && !INSTANCE.function_ )//selets a row via click. Needs this for scalars and tables
                            for ( var j = inIUDiv.igGrid( "option", "columns" ).length -1; j > 0; j-- )
                                INSTANCE.igGridSelection.selectCell( ui.cell.rowIndex, j );
                            return false
                    name: "Updating",
                    editMode: "cell",
                    enableAddRow: false,
                    enableDeleteRow: false,
                    startEditTriggers: "dblclick",
                    editCellStarting: function ( evt, ui )
                        //was using this to prevent edits to some columns but that is no longer needed.

                        //we do need to catch an enter.
                        if ( evt.keyCode === 13 )
                            return false;
                        return true;
                    editCellEnded: function ( evt, ui )
                        var cells = INSTANCE.igGridSelection.selectedCells();
                        if ( cells.length > 0 )
                        { //current cells in edit mode
                            for ( var c = 0; c < cells.length; c++ )//selection exists, format them all.
                                //all cells but the current edit cell.
                                if ( cells[c].index == ui.columnIndex && cells[c].rowIndex == ui.rowID )
                                    var col = inIUDiv.igGrid( "option", "columns" );
                                    var valu = formater( col[cells[c].index].dataType, ui.value, ui.oldValue );
                                    if ( valu == "" ) valu = ui.oldValue;
                                    var aCell = inIUDiv.igGrid( "activeCell" );
                                    ui.owner.setCellValue( aCell.rowIndex, aCell.columnKey, valu )
                                {//edit cell only
                                    var col = inIUDiv.igGrid( "option", "columns" );
                                    var val = formater( col[cells[c].index].dataType, ui.value, inIUDiv.igGrid( "getCellText", cells[c].rowIndex, cells[c].columnKey ) );//last parm is for custom fileds.
                                    if ( val != "" ) ui.owner.setCellValue( cells[c].rowIndex, cells[c].columnKey, val )
                            //fix the active selected field
                            var col = inIUDiv.igGrid( "option", "columns" );
                            ui.value = formater( col[ui.columnIndex].dataType, ui.value, ui.oldValue );//last parm is for custom fileds.
                            if ( ui.value == "" ) ui.value = ui.oldValue;
                            ui.owner.setCellValue( ui.rowID, ui.columnKey, ui.value )

                        INSTANCE.editing = false;//flag for event
                        INSTANCE.updateDataCells( 35 );
                    name: "Sorting",
                    columnSorting: function ( evt, ui )
                        var col = ui.owner.grid.columnByText( ui.columnKey );
                        var colIndex = 0;//temp fix
                        for ( var c = 1; c <INSTANCE.gridIDMap.option( "columns" ).length; c++ )
                            if ( INSTANCE.gridIDMap.option( "columns" )[c].key == ui.columnKey ) colIndex = c;
                        if ( col.headerText == _spaceChar )//selects all cells
                            for ( var i = ui.owner.grid.allRows().length+1; i > -1; i-- )
                                for ( var j = INSTANCE.gridIDMap.option( "columns" ).length -1; j > 0 ; j-- )

                                    INSTANCE.igGridSelection.selectCell( i, j );

                            document.getElementById( "myDiv"+ INSTANCE.ID+"_table_ " ).className = "ui-widget-header-leftCell";// hack, not even sure why I need this but the fix in headerRendered gets overwritten some where
                        else //selects a collumn
                            for ( var i = ui.owner.grid.allRows().length-1; i > -1; i-- )
                                INSTANCE.igGridSelection.selectCell( i, colIndex );
                        return false;
                ], headerCellRendered: function ( evt, ui )

                }, headerRendered: function ( evt, ui )
                    var gridID =;
                    var x=0;
                    while ( $( ui.table ).find( "tr:eq(0) > th:eq(" + x + ") " )[0] )//loop all cells in the header
                        data = $( ui.table ).find( "tr:eq(0) > th:eq(" + x + ") " );//get the html element of the cell from jquery
                        data[0].title = "";//clear the Tool tip

                        //ui-iggrid-header ui-widget-header ui-draggable ui-iggrid-sortableheader ui-state-default

                        if ( data[0].innerHTML.indexOf( '-headertext">'+_spaceChar+'<'> -1 )
                            data[0].className = " ui-widget-header-leftCell ";//empty cells are grey ( only the first can be empty ), also size is now 0

                dataRendered: function ( evt, ui )
                {//init after grid is ready
                    var gridID =;
                    INSTANCE.gridIDMap = $( "#" + gridID ).data( 'igGrid' )
                    INSTANCE.igGridSelection = $( "#" + gridID ).data( 'igGridSelection' );
                    INSTANCE.igGridSorting = $( "#" + gridID ).data( 'igGridSorting' );
                    INSTANCE.igGridUpdating = $( "#" + gridID ).data( 'igGridUpdating' );
                    INSTANCE.igGridResizing = $( "#" + gridID ).data( 'igGridResizing' );
                    //fix up the column sizes
                    var rows = INSTANCE.gridIDMap.allRows().length; //should match length not length - 1
                    var cellTotalSize =  INSTANCE.updateDataCells( 35 );//fix up the cells and return the highest length of the data not the rows or headers.
                    //now fix all sizes.
                    var xTotalSize = 0;
                    var yTotalSize = 0;
                    for ( var c = 0; c < INSTANCE.gridIDMap .option("columns" ).length; c++ )
                        INSTANCE.igGridResizing.resize( c, cellTotalSize[c] );//resize with cellTotalSize
                        xTotalSize += INSTANCE.gridIDMap.cellAt( c, 0 ).offsetWidth//now add up an entire row to get the final length
                        xTotalSize += 7;//room for scroll
                    yTotalSize = ( rows + 1/* header*/ ) * $( "#" + gridID + ">tbody>tr:eq(0)" ).height();// add a row for the header and times by the height of the first row.
                    yTotalSize += 7;//room for scroll
                    INSTANCE.fixedGridWidth = xTotalSize;
                    INSTANCE.fixedGridHeight = yTotalSize
                    INSTANCE.gridIDMap.option("width", xTotalSize );
                    INSTANCE.gridIDMap.option( "height", yTotalSize );
                    INSTANCE.updateWindowSize( inWidth, inHeight );

                    //fix last column row for scalars
                    //ugly but all we got, always going to puch 20 over so bars can not eat up the text. Effects all grid and it must ( dont chage that )
                    //if (INSTANCE.scalar ) //put this back and it will break small grids.
                         $( "#" + gridID + '>tbody>tr' ).each( function ()
                             var lasttd = $( this ).find( 'td:last' );
                             lasttd.css( "padding-right", "20px" );
                        } );

            } );
        } );