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file upload times out on larger files


My MVC4 project uses an igUpload control for images and videos.  With files larger than 10MB the upload will typically stop at some point and I have to cancel.

Obviously there are multiple points where this failure could occur so at this point I am looking for advice about where to start looking for the problem.  I have tried different computers in different locations and 10MB seems to be about the largest file that will upload.


I have modified my web.config file to allow uploads up to 100MB (using the maxFileSizeLimit key).

Attached is a screen shot from a failed upload.  In the lower left is another upload counter of some kind, I suppose from the browser.  The igUpload has stalled at about 75% but the other counter continues (and would get to 100% though this screen shot was taken at 97%).  I have no idea what that means!

Thanks for any advice!
