I'm using igGrid in non MVC project.
Using Group By (remote) functionality : When Group By columns Changed (event : groupedColumnsChanged)
i do a ajax to retrieve data and rebind grid in the event and re apply grouping by columns
code :
gridUI.igGrid("dataSourceObject", grpByResult);
var groupedColumns = ui.groupedColumns; gridUI.igGrid("dataBind"); $(groupedColumns).each(function (i, item) { if (item.key) gridUI.igGridGroupBy("groupByColumn", item.key); });
This works good.
I'm using my own custom paging, when page changes following code executes with new data
grdUI.igGrid("dataSourceObject", dataSource); grdUI.igGrid("dataBind"); if (OrderParameters && OrderParameters != "") { var grpByColumns = OrderParameters.split(','); $(grpByColumns).each(function (i, item) { grdUI.igGridGroupBy("groupByColumn", item); }); }
where OrderParameters are previous group by columns. it doesn't work..
please provide a solution to handle this.
and also igGridGroupBy methods are not working (showing group by pop up etc.,)
load indicator is also not working..
please provide solution for
do you get any errors? Have you tried this:
https://www.igniteui.com/help/api/2019.1/ui.iggridgroupby => Methods => groupByColumns
Thank you,
This issues solved.
Previously my igGrid Container is 'Div' after i changed to 'table' it worked fine.